Postcode Programming API  PAF Data File - Street address

This by nature of the data is relatively simple:

Our PAF File data format

                  Example of PAF Address record for 1 Postcode   
                    Postcode|Line1|Line2|Line3|Town|County||POstcode|Country||MailSort code||||||||

“Postcode” would be indexed in your own database.

How to provide search

The user enters a postcode.  You should then clean the Postcode format before doing the search.  See section below. 

Then simply find the address from the first field “Postcode” and then populate your form with the other fields.

Example PAF Data and Code

The Example download below contains a VBNET and a C# code example of how to convert the PAF data into an address list for display.

Download Examples

13 Mb Example of Full, Street and PostZon data (Geodate)

Montly PAF File updates

You will receive an e-mail when an update is available for download.

Fast Import

The optimised PAF data file should be easily imported into two database fields, one for Postcode, and the other for the Full Royal Mail Address data, in minutes if using the Microsoft SQL Text import utility.


Please note: In accordance with Royal Mail Terms and Conditions, you must have a valid “Large business Package” license. We only supply this type of PAF data for a “Large business Package” license. Please call for the price of these licenses.