Daily Updated Quality Royal Mail Data
We Add Counties
We added 9,930,856 Counties to addresses missing in the Postcode Address File (PAF) for better data
quality. Counties are not a requirement of the Royal Mail, but it is a requirement of many customers.
Royal Mail PAF Database Status
The Royal Mail PAF database currently has 33,183,465 Addresses covered by
1,841,466 Postcodes.
Last Daily Update:
In the last update 1, Postcodes were added and 3,360 addresses
were added/updated in the last daily update
Additional Data
In addition to the Royal Mail main Postcode Address File (PAF) of addresses, we also provide NYB (Not
Yet Built) and MR (Multiple Residency)
>> Information About Additional Data
Multiple Residencies
975,444 extra addresses at delivery points (optional data)
Not Yet Built
742,985 extra addresses in the process of being built (optional data)
Our Postcode Address data has daily updates applied from the Royal Mail. The following shows the number of Postcodes added over the last 2 weeks.